Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happy Fall, Y'all!

Man, I have been waiting to say that for weeks now! :)
Fall is by far my favorite season. It makes me think of football games, pumpkin muffins, soups & chili in the crockpot, the pumpkin patch, leaves changing colors, hot chocolate, and cozy sweatshirts.
But let's be honest....because I live in Alabama, it still may be awhile until I can comfortably wear a sweatshirt!! For those of you that live elsewhere, it may be time to start thinking about storing off-season clothes. If you fall in that category, here are a few tips for you:
1. Clean everything first. It is vital to make sure every clothing item you want to store has been thoroughly cleaned before you put it away. Even the smallest stains can oxidize and  yellow over time. Plus, stains attract insects, who feast on them while simultaneously wreaking havoc on the fabric. Also, avoid foam covered hangers & dry-cleaning bags, as they can end up damaging your items as well.
2. Pick the best storage spot. Optimal places are those that are cool and dry, like under your bed or in an extra closet. Basements and attics notoriously have higher humidity levels and temperatures, making them inhospitable for fabrics.
3. Choose the right container. There are soooo many options out there! Here are a few of my favorites:




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