Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tuesday Tip: Take Christmas Inventory Now!

I don't know about you, but I just finished wrapping my last gift today. I baaaarely had enough ribbon, and my gift bag supply is now completely diminished. Before I pack away all of my gift-wrapping supplies, I always make a list of what I need to buy next year.
(That way, when next October rolls around and I'm seeing wrapping stuff go on sale at places like Hobby Lobby and Michaels, I already know what I need!)
You can keep this list in a simple app on your phone, like Evernote. Or, you can put a post-it in your planner under December 2015.
(Am I the only one out there that still has an old-school planner and calendar!?)
So there's my "Tuesday Tip" for you: Take inventory of your gift-wrapping supplies NOW, so you'll be ahead of the game for next year. (This is also not a bad idea to do for your Christmas décor as well, in case you need to replace anything!)

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