Monday, April 13, 2015

Before & After: My Bathroom Cabinet

This month, we'll be tackling all the organizing & clutter challenges in your bathrooms! (Not the most exciting places to organize, but still, important....)
But first, I thought it'd be fun to see a recent "Before & After" of my own bathroom cabinet. Maybe to inspire you!?
Our master bathroom is pretty small, and only has a single vanity. Fortunately, there's a decent amount of storage space underneath the sink. We've lived in this house for 3.5 years, and over time, this cabinet has become a real eyesore. See what I mean:

It was somewhat organized with "his & hers" sides, but the stuff was starting to pile up so I decided to pull it out and start over. I threw away a lot of expired stuff, found a new home for some items (i.e. cleaning products), and gathered some new baskets from around the house that weren't being used.
I did purchase one new item from The Container Store. Luckily, I had a gift card leftover from Christmas for this! The item on the far right is what I bought, a two-drawer mesh organizer. It's the best! Each "drawer" slides out and they are really deep, so they hold a lot. (I have also seen a similar product at Bed, Bath, & Beyond.)

 See what a little de-cluttering can do?! This took me about 30 minutes.
Let's see the pictures side by side, one more time. Ta da!!
Hopefully this motivates you to clean out the cabinet in one of your bathrooms this month.
If so, let me see your results!

 photo 123-sig_zpsfaf346b8.jpg

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