Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Ask the Organizer: Holiday Stress

I saw something online today announcing that there was only 51 days left until Christmas.
Does that give anyone else a mild panic attack!?
So, to alleviate some holiday stress, I will be discussing ways to be more organized for the holiday season.... for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
What stresses you out the most about the holiday season?
-Getting your guest room ready for the in-laws?
-Clearing out playrooms to make room for new Christmas toys?
-Planning a Thanksgiving meal for 12 people?
-Organizing your Fall or Christmas décor?
-Traveling for the holidays?
-Sending out Christmas cards?
-Shopping for gifts?
I'd like to help, so here's your chance to "Ask the Organizer." Comment below and let me know what organizational dilemmas and frustrations you face this holiday season.
**And stay tuned for a giveaway!!**

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