Thursday, November 12, 2015

Preparing for Holiday Visitors

Whether you have visitors coming into town for Thanksgiving or Christmas,
now is the ideal time to start your preparations.....

1. The first place you need to evaluate (and probably de-clutter!) is your guest room. If you don't have a designated guest room, then decide where your guests will be one of the kids' rooms, on a pull-out couch, etc. It's important that there is a place set aside for guests; a place to call their own and feel "at home" during their visit.
If your guest room is like mine, then that closet has been deemed the "catch-all" space of the house. Tidy that up (or completely pull everything out & de-clutter if it's bad enough). Make sure to have a few spare hangers at your guests' disposal as well.
Other essentials for the guest room:
-clean linens (!)
-extra blankets & pillows in plain view
-small trash can
2. The next spot to think about when preparing for holiday visitors is the guest bathroom. My son's bathroom becomes the guest bathroom when we have visitors, so I relocate all of his toiletries from the shower & vanity to our bathroom. Plus, his bath towel & washcloth! This allows ample space for your guests to hang up their towels, as well as spread out their toiletries, cosmetics, and hair tools. Clear off a nearby shelf or drawer if need be.
It's always nice to have a few extra toiletries on hand (and in their bathroom) in case guests forget an item at home. We keep an extra toothbrush & toothpaste, as well as shampoo, soap, toilet paper, q-tips, cotton balls handy.
3. Another thing to think about when you are preparing for guests is food!
What are their likes & dislikes? Do they have any allergies?
What is their favorite kind of coffee, alcohol, breakfast food, snack, etc?
4. Lastly, make a list of a few activities in town your guests might be interested in.....parks, museums, local restaurants, etc. Check the forecast and see if their visit will be conducive to outdoor activities.
**If all this seems a bit over the top or too overwhelming, feel free to contact me. I would be happy to assist you with all of your organizing needs!*
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