Monday, February 22, 2016

A Guest Room Makeover

I've said it before, and I'll say it again......EVERYONE has a closet and/or room in their house that is a "catch-all" spot. Mine is in my guest room closet, and I think that's a pretty common space from what I've seen.
A recent client was using their guest room & guest closet to hold her kids' memorabilia, clothes she wanted to sell, plus some sentimental items of hers & her husband's. So, it was a classic case of "too much stuff in too little of a space."

 We sorted through the sentimental items and placed them into a Rubbermaid tubs for each family member. Those were then labeled & moved to the attic.
We also made 3 bins for the items she wanted to sell:
1. Donate
2. NRT (online trading site)
3. Deju Vu (consignment store)

 Plus, we got rid of a lot of things she didn't want or need anymore.
And we ended up with this!
 Who knew that guest room bedding was so beautiful!?
Now, she has a much more manageable amount of items in her guest room closet. And when her bins get full, it's time to take them to the consignment store, donation center, or sell online.
Do you have a catch-all spot hiding in your house??
 photo 123-sig_zpsfaf346b8.jpg

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