Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My Craft Room Transformation

I wanted to show you more than just another "before & after" picture in today's post. Mostly because these are pictures of a transformation that is near & dear to my heart.....

 I feel very fortunate to have this space in our house. It was originally built as a sunroom, but we have turned it into an office / craft room. Both the kids and I love to do crafts, scrapbook, color, etc. and it's so nice to have a spot for that! 

When we moved in 3+ years ago, this room was being used as an art studio. Hence, the paint-splattered concrete floors. I told my husband I could live with the awful floors.....temporarily. Finally, a few months ago, we got new flooring & baseboards and it made such a difference! Not to mention the two "new to us" tables, as well as clearing a LOT of clutter.
My craft table got revamped, I bought a larger tray to corral my supplies, and I moved the kids' school / memorabilia boxes into the basement:
The kids' craft table got upgraded from a card table to a table set I found online & refinished:

 And voila! A transformed craft room.

And obviously, this transformation didn't take place in a 4 hour period. This one happened over time, and sometimes, that's just how it is. I'm very happy with the finished product, and I love that I took my time figuring out exactly what I wanted / needed in there to make it function properly for our family. 

Let me know if you have a space in your home I can help transform!

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