Monday, February 15, 2016

My Freezer: Before & After

Sometimes, a transformation can take just 30 minutes, but make SUCH a difference.
Case in point: my freezer!
As you can see below, my freezer was not organized at all. (I know, gasp!) So I decided it was time. Basically, I emptied the freezer & gave it a good wipe-down. I threw away a few frostbitten items, and grouped "like" items together.
I ordered the clear bins from The Container Store. (Sidenote: I LOVE these bins! And they are very inexpensive! I bought the medium-sized ones.) Then, I used my labelmaker & some simple labels from Office Depot to create the bin labels.

 On the door, I just made a few subtle changes. I moved the ice packs, separated the coffee into guest coffee / Greg's coffee, and added some chalk labels.
And voila! An easy transformation, with a big impact.
Does your freezer need a makeover!?
 photo 123-sig_zpsfaf346b8.jpg

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