Saturday, October 8, 2016

Before & After: Nursery for a Sweet Baby Boy

A recent client was in full-on nesting mode, and asked me to help get her baby boy's nursery closet ready for his arrival. I always jump at the chance to organize little bitty baby clothes! :)
This job didn't take long....we just needed to clear the clutter and move a few things from the closet to their rightful home - like, big brother's room, changing table drawers, and even a "donate" pile.
I added a hanging organizer for linens, and the bins are labeled for "winter" and "summer."
(Think: leg warmers & hats for winter; bathing suits for summer.)
The wooden box in the middle is for keepsakes....items from the baby shower, birth, and little mementos from the first year.

I relocated all the diapers & wipes to the changing table drawers,
and stacked the 2 shoes shelves on top of each other to make room for the hanging organizer.

* Let's take one last look! *
It's a simple closet, but will soon be filled up with lots more clothes and baby items.
Best of all, there is room to grow!

 photo 123-sig_zpsfaf346b8.jpg

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