Sunday, November 5, 2017

A *Three* Room Reveal!

It has been waaaaay too long since I showed you guys some amazing Before & After pictures!!
Well, hopefully these next few will make up for it....

A recent client wanted an overhaul on 3 closets in her home: her 2 sons' closets and her master closet. 

Space #1: Big Brother's Room

Her oldest son had a *lot* of clothes that he had outgrown, and that needed to be sorted & stored for his little brother. He also needed a system going forward, so that this wouldn't repeat itself in the future.
The navy bin is now a *keepsake bin* while the others hold misc. items for her son

Once the (too small) clothes were cleared out, there was quite a bit of free space!

A look at the whole space. Quite a difference!

We took the drawer cart from the baby's room, and repurposed it. Now, when he outgrows something, it can go right in these drawers - labeled by size - to hand down to baby brother.

Space #2: Baby Brother's Room

As mentioned before, this little boy had a *lot* of clothes coming his way from his big brother. They are about 3 years apart in age (and size!), so we needed a temporary holding spot for said clothes. Simple solution: place clothes in a bin by size and slap a label on there as an easy reference :)

I used adhesive chalkboard labels because they are the easiest to change as the boys grow!

This is my favorite before & after shot from this whole session!
The navy canvas bins up top now have shoes (divided by size) that are hand-me-downs.
There is also a new keepsake bin, also navy, and the gray bins hold bedding & linens.
The 3 drawer cart now holds current long sleeve shirts and pants.

Space #3: Master Closet

The master closet didn't need a ton of work, just a bit of decluttering and categorizing. For "Her" side, I organized the shoes using shelf helpers. My client cleared out a lot of clothes that weren't worn/didn't fit, and we made sure to find a new home for miscellaneous items that didn't belong.

Lots of miscellaneous items from the floor found a new home! Either the trash can, donation pile, or another room in the house.
 On "His" side, I categorized items on the shelves into sweaters, workout items, jeans, etc. Some went in bins and others went in drawers. I used the shelf helpers for his shoes as well.
 Those woven bins now hold t-shirts and pullovers; hopefully this will help them stay more organized. As with any makeover, the key is *maintenance!* It takes 2 seconds to throw something on the floor, and about 5 seconds to put it where it belongs.
In total, these transformations took about 6 hours total. My client was in & out of the house, running errands and picking kids up from school. Let me know if you'd like to schedule a session today!

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