I have been on a tear this month in my kitchen..... wiping down my fridge & freezer, de-cluttering under my kitchen sink, organizing my pot & pan lids, cleaning out my junk drawer......all because tomorrow is my "Peek Inside: Kitchen" post!
But today, I thought I'd show a quick before & after picture of the cabinet under my kitchen sink. I feel like it was quite the transformation, but yet it only took me about 20 minutes. And the best part is...I reused containers from around the house, so it cost me $0!!
As you can see from the "before" photo, I just had WAY too much stuff crammed in there. Once I pulled everything out, I was able to combine a few bottles of cleaning supplies. I also moved duplicate bottles down in the basement, as well as ones that are not used frequently.
(Ex: Liquid Plumber...Good to have, but I've used it maybe twice.)
On the left side of the cabinet, I placed items that we use multiple times a week - dishwasher detergent, dish soap, our awesome grease jar (!) and febreze.
In the middle, I covered an old wipes box with contact paper, attached a bookplate & label, and now it houses our trash bags!
In the middle behind the trash bags, I used some white mesh bins - previously in our old pantry - to hold cleaning rags, and extra dish brushes & sponges.
On the right side of the cabinet, I used an extra blue bucket - purchased from the Dollar Store originally - to corral my bathroom cleaning supplies. That way, I can just grab the bucket and hop over to the bathroom when it's time to clean.
Also on the right, way behind the blue cleaning bucket are a few more supplies....mostly floor & carpet cleaners that aren't used often.
So....this was a very quick makeover, but one with awesome results!
What does your cabinet look like underneath your kitchen sink?!
Do you have 20 minutes to give it some TLC??

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