Thursday, April 30, 2015

Peek Inside: A Professional Organizer's House {Master Bath}

Hard to believe it's already the LAST day of April!! But you know what that means...."Peek Inside" day :) I have gotten such great feedback from you guys on this segment, and it's one I look forward to doing every month.
Without further ado, I present to master bath.....
One of the reasons I love doing the "Peek Inside" segments, is because it gives me a space to focus on all month long. I get to tweak it, add some more décor, and de-clutter along the way. Which makes for some pretty great Before & After shots.
Our house is 60+ years old, so I guess they didn't get the memo back then that it's nice to have a double vanity. Oh well. So, you're been warned....our master bath is teeny tiny!
One area I focused on this month was the our vanity countertop - it was too cluttered! So, I found a new home for a few items, and added a basket over the toilet. (Which now holds/hides extra toilet paper & Kleenex.)
 In addition to clearing the countertop clutter, I wanted to add some storage for my make-up & beauty products. Enter: this shelf and two glass jars from (the dollar section) of Target. And voila! Much-needed extra storage for me.

I love this shelf! And the wooden tags on the jars :)

 Underneath the sink, it was time for a major purge. Even though we kind of had a His/Hers side before, I still needed to de-clutter and then find new homes for some items (ex. cleaning supplies). I also purchased this awesome 2-tiered bath organizer from the Container Store. My husband loves how easy the baskets pull out. (And I love how everything is better categorized & contained now!) I also recovered the top of my old jewelry box with contact paper, to give it a fresh look.
 Another great addition this month was the command hook on the inside of the cabinet door, which now holds my straightener (and gets it off the counter)! And here is a close-up of the bulk items we store on my hubbie's side of the cabinet. See how nicely those drawers pull out?!
 Next up, the 3 vanity drawers. Each one was a bit of a disaster. Let's start with the top drawer, which holds my everyday items. I (you guessed it!) de-cluttered a bit and then purchased 2 simple mesh drawer organizers.
 My husband's drawer:
 The bottom drawer used to hold my make-up bag and a few travel items, but both of those were relocated. (My make-up moved to a basket on my new shelf, and the travel items moved to the large brown basket under the sink.) Now, this deep shelf holds all of our eye care necessities. Cleaning solutions, glasses, extra contacts etc. I love having it all in one spot! (Whereas before, some was on countertop, some was in my drawer, and some was in my husband's drawer.)
 Moving on....behind the door is where I hang my towel & robe, as well as store my jewelry (just earrings and watches).
Right outside our bathroom is a tiny closet, which I think was supposed to be a linen closet. Well...I changed it into a linen / medicine / hair care / socks & undergarments closet. I covered the shelves with contact paper, and used my favorite - chalk labels - on most of the bins.
Top shelf: a basket holds our spare towels
(If you're wondering, our spare sheets are in our nightstand drawer)
Middle shelf: medicine & sunscreens
 Bottom shelf: my hair products, lotions, and nail care supplies
(I highly recommend a small plastic 3-drawer organizer for all your little items)
Wire basket: my socks
Side view: necklaces hang by command hooks

 Lastly, I store my pajamas & workout clothes in a 2 drawer pull-out system that I have had forever. Like, since high school I think!! (If it ain't broke....)

That concludes the tour of my master bath. (Super exciting, I know!) Please feel free to comment with any questions you may have, or if you wonder where I purchased a certain item.
I will be doing a SECOND "Peek Inside" segment tomorrow, on the remaining 3 bathrooms in our house. So....stay tuned!

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