Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday Tip: How to Organize Kids' Toiletries

I couldn't decide which of these simple ideas to store kid's toiletries was my favorite, so for today's Tuesday Tip, you're getting both!
1. Simply purchase a utensil organizer and use it to separate toothbrushes for each child. Slip it in the vanity drawer to keep away from bathroom germs floating around. Easy peasy!
2. Or if your vanity doesn't have a drawer, consider purchasing a small, 3 drawer storage compartment like this one:
 Store this in your bathroom cabinet, and designate a drawer for each child. Use their drawer to store toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, and any other supplies they made need.

What is your favorite way to store your kids' toiletries?!
 photo 123-sig_zpsfaf346b8.jpg

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