Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Favorite: My Pool Bag

I don't know about you, but me & my kids spend A LOT of time in the summer at the pool / splash pad / beach. Anything involving water really, since Alabama is HOT in the summer!!
I must say though, I get quite a few looks every time we roll up to the pool and I have my H.U.G.E bag over my shoulder!!! Let me tell you is the absolute best !!!
Local friends, I found this ginormous Scout Bag at Anna Kate & Co. a few years ago. And by ginormous, I mean that it's 24"w by 12"d by 18"h. (It's big. And amazing.)

*For those that aren't local, Amazon has a similar option. Click here to see that!*

And I promise you, it holds everything!!!

 I think the key with *anything* big is to break it down into smaller sections. So, I use 2 buckets from the Dollar Store in my bag:
The orange bucket holds all of our swim/dive toys & goggles, while the pink bucket holds our suntan lotion, bug spray, wipes, and my daughter's sunhat. These buckets really help to make sure all those small items don't get lost. Then I pack my daughter's puddle-jumper, the kickboards,
and water squirters on the sides.

For Layer #2, I put our towels on top of the buckets. There is still room left in the bag to store a small cooler or whatever else you might need on the left side.
Finally, I attached a small pouch on the outside of the bag - with a carabineer - that holds all my essentials.....ID, money, keys, comb, lip balm etc.

So tell me....what does your pool bag look like?!  Are you carrying 3 small bags plus towels plus a cooler plus - oh yeah - having to hold your kid's hand so they don't dash across the parking lot?! If so, I recommend you invest in a large bag like mine. It's so nice to have everything in one place. And, as an added bonus, it weighs 20+ pounds once everything is inside. So, you get a workout in too! :)

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