Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Back-to-School Giveaway!!

Hello, friends!
(Sorry it's been awhile.)
By now, most of us have had a week (or three!) of our kids being back at school. While some moms rejoice at this, others inwardly - or maybe even outwardly - groan when they think of all the things "back to school" means.....
morning routines...
packing lunches...
fighting over what to wear to school...
homework woes....
hectic after-school activities....
dinnertime meal planning....
Whew! I gave myself a headache just writing all of that! Ha!
Whether you're a working mom, or a stay-at-home-mom, back to school time can be tough for all of us. Which is why I've decided to devote the entire month of September to helping with back-to-school organization. All month long, I'll offer tips & solutions & maybe even some of my favorite crockpot recipes (!) that will hopefully help your mornings and evenings run more smoothly. So be sure to check the blog often!
And today, I'm sweetening the deal and offering a back-to-school GIVEAWAY!
(Because let's face it, we all love free stuff!!)
This Friday, I will announce the winner of a $25 gift card to The Container Store. They have anything and everything you'll need to help with back-to-school organizing....a corkboard for a family command center, a hanging organizer for your daughter's weekly outfits, or even a few cute boxes or buckets to make a homework station for your kids.
There are two ways to enter the giveaway:
1. Go to my Facebook page (link here) and "share" my post about the giveaway.
And encourage your friends to do the same!
2. Comment below with your biggest back-to-school organization problem.
[Or heck, do both of the above and your name will be entered twice!]

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  1. My biggest problem area is all the stuff the just gets dumped in the kitchen. Purses, school bags, mail, etc. Ugh!

  2. Hi Lori! You are not alone.....most of my clients complain that that is their #1 problem area too! Sounds like you are in desperate need of a Family Command Center. I am in the process of giving mine a makeover (!), but I will have a blog post coming your way in a few days with all the details and some solutions for you. Stay tuned!
