Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Pantry Transformation

I helped transform another pantry recently! Look at these amazing before & after pictures! (Yes, I'm aware that I sound like a broken record. I think I just need to change my business name to Pantry Organizing Plus :)
Just kidding....you know I love to organize pantries. And that seems to be the #1 space I'm doing these days, which is fine by me!

My recent client had a *great* pantry to work with.....very large space, good quality shelving, and L-shaped so it had plenty of room & depth. Her biggest issue was the floor, and how it was hard to walk in there to reach anything off the shelves. Though I wish I could have cleared her floors completely, I did tidy them up a bin with bins designated for: dog supplies, craft items, kid beverages and adult beverages :)

 And yet another client that likes to bake! (Seriously, I'm starting to get a complex. I own one type of flour and 2 types of sugar. My recent clients have about 10x that much, ha!) So clearly, we needed bins to store baking items. Plus her canned goods & jars of homemade jam needed a bit of purging and organizing. Same for adult & kid snacks.
 Up top, we tucked away a few items in the corners of those L-shaped shelves that aren't used often. Plus, left some room for easy-to-reach cereal boxes and cookbooks.
 Down below, the name of the game was *containment!* If you have a bin designated for a certain item like juice & soda, it helps prevent you from going to the store to buy more until that bin is almost empty! Because if you know you only have a certain amount of room to store that item, than it will cut down on over-buying.
 A few last things to point out:
-I used two Lazy Susans to corral all their salad dressings, oils, marinades, etc. These are a great choice, especially for corner shelves!
-I put all of the peanuts & nut products in one bin because one of their children has an allergy. It was important to keep these away from the snack bin!
-I created a bin for rice & noodles, as well as one for dried beans, quinoa, etc. This is one healthy family!

Another pantry transformation in the books! I think my count is up to 7,462 now............ :)
 photo 123-sig_zpsfaf346b8.jpg

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