Thursday, May 19, 2016

Another Pantry Reveal!

I've already helped with two pantry transformations this week, and could not have asked for better clients!!
Check out this before & after of my first pantry of the week:
This client informed me I have a "signature" look for pantries that I organize. If she means that I use the same white bins for all of them, then yes, that is true, ha! You can't go wrong with these bins from Target...they are inexpensive yet great quality and the perfect size for most standard pantries.

Some of these shelves were a little precarious, so it was a challenge to not only place items where it made sense, but also, I had to take into consideration the weight of each item/basket. I'm pretty happy with the results though, and even more so that we ended up with some blank shelves! :)
Left side of the pantry
 This client already had many items grouped together (i.e: baking supplies, snacks, etc) but just needed a little help tweaking some areas :)
Top part of the pantry
 The floors of pantries are NOTORIOUS for collecting clutter. It's so easy to just throw stuff in there when you're in hurry. Which is.....always! (Am I right??) So it was my goal to get as much stuff off the floor as possible and tucked away, so there was room to walk & stand in there! :)

We designated bins for things like snacks, grains, baking, and oils & marinades so that it was easy to find each "zone."
Right side of the pantry
 This client had quite the collection of baking items, so it was only natural that we needed to upgrade & organize her existing canisters. I even found a few extra when I was clearing out the pantry! Now everything is nice & labeled, thanks to my favorite adhesive chalk labels.
 Does your pantry need some TLC?!

 photo 123-sig_zpsfaf346b8.jpg

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