A recent client was overwhelmed with the amount of clutter & paper in her home office, so I was happy to help her simplify things :)

Truth be told, its hard to look thru every.single.piece.of.paper while we are de-cluttering an office. And this office held a lot of keepsake photos as well. So, I filled a small bin with "homework" for the client to look through after I left.....papers, personal information, and photos. (I created a file system in her filing drawer, so she can put the papers she wants to keep in there. And I left a few empty bins up top in the shelves to house the photos she decides to keep.)
This desktop was hardly in working condition!! Thank goodness we were able to clear the clutter & restored it to a workable space.
She has plenty of room to grow in these cabinets now....
Office drawers and junk drawers are my favorite!!! I used a few acrylic drawer organizers and grouped together her stationary/mailing supplies, office supplies, and miscellaneous supplies.
Please give me call if your home office is in desperate need of a transformation! :)
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